computer games conferences GDC 2008

GDC08: Raising Venture Financing for your Startup


Speaker: Susan Wu, Charles River Ventures + panellists, see below for details

EDIT: just finished an editing round; I’m about 2/3 through cleaning this up. That’s why it all goes a bit funky towards the end. I promise I’ll clean up the rest of it ASAP…

Excellent panel, probably the most informative one I’ve been to at GDC (I usually find they wander too much and have too little concrete info. Nabeel, if you read this, I’m not counting your moderated session as a panel ;))

computer games conferences games design GDC 2008

GDC08: Building a successful production process


Speaker: Lesley Matthieson, High Impact

I didn’t find this talk at all useful, not because it was badly given (it wasn’t) but because the speaker seemed to be coming from such a rarefied environment that the ideas and suggestions would only work for a narrow set of people/projects that didn’t include me.