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Unity: Git source control – a basic .gitignore

The most popular hit for “unity gitignore” is a post on the official Unity forums that was written by someone who doesn’t seem to fully understand how git works. Which was a little disappointing.

Before you commit anything to git, you MUST go into Unity’s menus and enable the “metadata” option (in settings, moves around a bit between versions). Without that, Unity’s internal data-bugs will corrupt your project if you ever merge (happens to us approx 1 time in 3 if we forget at start of project)

After a bit of trial and error, here’s a basic .gitignore for Unity that seems to work, and cut down the commit sizes by a factor of 4 immediately:

UPDATE: updated with a tried-and-tested gitignore that covers more things. Do please note the big WARNING though, or you’ll only have yourself to blame…

# Unity ignores:
# !!! WARNING !!!
# … you MUST convert Unity to using Metafiles *before* you start using this .gitignore file,
# or you WILL lose data!
# !!! WARNING !!!
# … don’t forget to [git add “*”] (quotes are required!) when adding new files, or git will silently ignore them

# OS X only (not needed on other platforms)

# All platforms