
Makerbot Replicator2 Upgrade: new fan duct

I reviewed a whole bunch of these on Thingiverse, and the best combination of simplicity and effectiveness appeared to be this one:

…but you want to print these at 0.1mm layer height, or less, and that’s difficult with the model above. So I tweaked it a bit:

NOTE: The WordPress authors can’t be bothered to implement safe/secure uploads; instead, they block ALL uploads (which is very stupid and doesn’t solve ANY security problems). This file has to be renamed when you download it. Stupid, stupid, stupid programmers.

WordPress Is CRAP.stl


The original model has two small circular screw-holes. Makerbot printers can’t print these very well – Both the official slicer, and the main commercial / open-source slicers get it wrong and print the holes in a bad way (untethered; it’s an obvious heuristic to fix, but no-one has implemented this yet). Net effect: the holes slide about during layer 2, and usually detach, and ruin the print.

To fix this, I cut a slice out of each hole, making them into hooks. This follows the design of Makerbot’s original fan duct, and makes the print easy to do even at high speed and low layer-height.


3DPrinting tips: cooling, fans, and PLA temperatures

This is hugely important to 3D printing, and generally: no-one talks about it online (at least, not with any authority: more “blind leading the blind”). Which is silly: the engineering behind this is obvious (and it’s often obvious from looking at a 3D printer that it’s been under-engineered in this critical area).

NB: I don’t know which parts of “correct, obvious” cooling are blocked by stupid patents that should never have been granted. That might excuse the poor design of most printers today. Might.

My experience so far is that “more cooling of printed object is better”. But that’s an over-simplification…

computer games entity systems Unity3D

Towards a Unity3D ECS: what GUI? What features?

This year, one of my goals was to build a sane, powerful, viable Entity System / Entity-Component System within Unity3D. Something I could build current and future games on, and save a lot of dev-time (both in ease-of-use and in easily adding missing features that I wish Unity had).

So, progress?