programming Unity3D Unity3D-tips

London Unity #luug talk 2015 – Customizing Unity Editor

Slides from my talk earlier this evening:

LUUG-2015-Editor Customization-v1.3

And if you were there, and haven’t read @lucasmeijer’s blog post yet:

programming Unity3D

#Unity3D plugin review: Advanced Inspector

The author of Advanced Inspector gave me a free copy over Christmas. I’d considered it many times, and always ended up choosing not to buy, and write my own fixes/workarounds instead. So I was keen to try this out on a hobby project and see how well it works in practice.

What is it?

A replacement for Unity’s built-in Inspector. This (optionally) changes the editing interface for every single Component in your Unity projects.

Why do we need it?

When you run Unity, you get the standard multi-pane IDE that is the Unity Editor. Whether you’re a programmer, a designer, or an artist, this is your main portal into Unity, and the starting point for all your work.

Anything you select in the 3D/2D scene causes an Inspector panel to appear, with all the editable data about that thing. Unity’s built-in Inspector is very basic; by modern standards of GUI/UX, it sucks. Fixing GUI is very expensive, so instead … Unity has gradually been making the Inspectors more and more customisable.

Traditionally this was very hard to do; in the last 12 months it has become much easier, and Unity has unlocked more features. To date, I’ve not been sure if the 3rd party plugins are fully using the new features.