games design usability

#UX conveying critical info to public via number rating: Food Hygiene Stickers

How do you make good UX / GUI to present information to a mass-market audience with widely varying levels of education and attention-span?

This is a problem faced all the time by game designers and developers. It’s one of the most under-appreciated skills of the profession: good game developers know more about “presenting information and choices” than almost anyone else, anywhere. Because games are generally overloaded with info, and the dev teams have to filter that down and present it clearly – but if they get it wrong, the player’s in-game character dies, the game is lost, and the game itself tanks commercially. The developers then – ultimately – lose their jobs when the studio goes bust.

I’m going to start looking at non-tech examples of design and UX through the lens of game-design, and see where it goes…