iphone programming

iOS Open GL ES 2: Multiple objects at once


  1. Part 1 – Overview of GLKit
  2. Part 2 – Drawcalls, and how OpenGL code is architected
  3. Part 3 – Vertices, Shaders and Geometry
  4. Part 4 – (additions to Part 3); preparing for Textures

…but looking back, I’m really unhappy with Part 4. Xcode5 invalidates almost 30% of it, and the remainder wasn’t practical – it was code-cleanup.

So, I’m going to try again, and do it better this time. This replaces my previous Part 4 – call it “4b”.

Drawing multiple 2D / 3D objects

A natural way to “draw things” is to maintain a list of what you want to draw, and then – when the OS / windowing library / whatever is ready to draw, you iterate over your “things” something like: