dev-process devdiary entity systems games design programming Unity3D

2015 talk: Progress on An Entity System for #Unity3d

Slides from my talk last night at Unity Brighton.

Three parts:

  1. First: introduction / overview of Entity Systems, and why you care (as a “person who makes games”)
  2. Second: Progress so far: screenshots of the Unity Editor with explanation of the new features I’ve added
  3. Third: Challenges and solutions I’ve encountered so far


WordPress, HTML, the web etc – don’t support “presentations” yet. No, I’m not creating a fake Slideshare account just so you can wait ages for a non-bookmarkable slide viewer to (slowly) load. Until then … we have PDF. Enjoy!

entity systems programming Unity3D

Unity3D Entity Systems: Zero-copy data storage revisited

Recap: previous posts on Unity3D and designing an efficient Entity Systems add-on library, using structs to store data in C#.

But …

advocacy agile education entrepreneurship startup advice

Self deception of the Startup Founder: Paralysed decisions

This week I’m paralysed on some of my simplest decisions while happily making complex decisions quickly, and being incisive and highly effective on others. This problem occasionally crops up in my work and personal life, and it frustrates the hell out of me; I’m going to write about it here, see if it helps me find a new way forwards. Hopefully this may also help others who’ve experienced a similar problem in their own lives.

entity systems Unity3D

Data Structures for Entity Systems: Multi-threading and Networking

(One of a series of posts about converting Unity3D into a 1st-class Entity Component System. Read others here)

It’s a year and a half since I wrote about choosing Data Structures for high-performance Entity Systems in A-AAA games. I always had a followup post in mind, but never wrote it down (thanks largely to the demise of #AltDevBlog). These days I’m too busy to write such big articles, but it’s long overdue … This post is a shorter version of what I had planned, but should have enough to get you going in the right directions.